

Field trials at Cerovac test site
08 December, 2020

Field trials at Cerovac test site

During July and September 2020 the project team have made couple of field trials at the test minefield Cerovac.

At that time we were testing the performance of the thermal camera and captured couple of hours of videos with standard RGB cameras using different UAVs, the proprietary-built large hexacopter and the DJI Inspire 1.

Videos captured during these field trials allowed us further development of algorithms capable of detecting flight patterns of honeybees in the mine-suspicious areas.

Results obtained from the thermal camera were not as expected because of too high compression applied to sensor data, which will be tackled by using a digital video recording setup which provides low compression and high-quality recordings.

To better mimic real-world conditions we have concealed partially visible mines to avoid possible influence on honeybees' behavior influenced by stimulation of their visual system.

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